Build Large-Dollar Relationships

Financial institutions can attract and retain loyal, high-value customers by offering IntraFi’s safe and convenient solutions for large cash balances. Our services enable institutions to strengthen their customer relationships while helping customers manage their cash through a single banking relationship.

Offer access to FDIC insurance for deposits over $250,000

Safety-conscious customers of all types appreciate the peace of mind provided by access to multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance through IntraFi’s network of banks. IntraFi® solutions are available for money market deposit accounts, demand deposit accounts, CDs, and brokerage accounts. Your customers will appreciate your institution proactively offering a service that protects their principal and interest, even for their largest deposits.

Keep or Sell the Underlying Funding

IntraFi solutions are flexible. Your institution owns the customer relationship, whether it keeps the associated deposits on-balance sheet using IntraFi services’ reciprocal deposits option, or sells the deposits to other banks in IntraFi’s network for fee income. Your customer’s information remains protected and confidential.

Consolidate accounts and grow business

In fact, placements through IntraFi's ICS® and CDARS® solutions tend to be large and “sticky,” lowering customer acquisition costs and providing more opportunities for cross-selling. CDARS placements reinvest at a rate of approximately 80%.¹ Retention rates for ICS typically match or exceed traditional bank retention rates.2 Safety provides stability, so insured deposits generally don’t run off even during periods of market volatility.

[1] IntraFi calculates the reinvestment rate for CDARS as the percentage of the aggregate balance
of deposits reinvested within 28 days of maturity. [2] OCC Interest Rate Risk Statics Report for Fall 2023.

Reinforce Your Financial Institution’s Commitment to Customer Service

Using IntraFi’s ICS and CDARS services, customers no longer:

Require banks to collateralize deposits on an ongoing basis

Go to multiple banks to keep balances under $250,000 (and manage the paperwork, continually monitor balances in relation to the FDIC insurance maximum, and manually consolidate statements and interest payments on a recurring basis)

Use one bank but establish accounts under multiple insurable capacities (and manage the paperwork, continually monitor balances in relation to the FDIC insurance maximum, and manually consolidate statements and interest payments on a recurring basis)

Convenience and ease, along with other benefits, make IntraFi services a natural fit for institutions that pride themselves on customer service.

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