The IntraFi Network

Our financial network is the largest of its kind, connecting thousands of financial institutions nationwide. Our solutions help banks and financial services organizations keep customer money secure, manage cash balances, and increase profitability.

The network brings scale, giving each participant access to tens of billions of dollars in funding, the highest per-depositor and per-bank capacity, and the peace of mind of being able to make large-dollar placements every business day.

Our Advantage is Your Advantage

Based on its size and diversification, the IntraFi® network provides a one-stop solution, lowers costs, and increases returns to our participating institutions versus what they would achieve on their own or from other solutions. IntraFi has the scale to be a strategic partner for small or large bank funding and capital management needs.


We invented reciprocal deposits and hold 20 patents that support our numerous offerings. Our wide range of solutions help the financial services sector keep customer cash safe and reduce the costs associated with holding onto that cash.


We take a collaborative approach in helping our clients. Through our innovative solutions and exceptional team, we help network participants lower costs and achieve greater returns.


Our team comes from a variety of backgrounds and brings deep regulatory, banking industry, and technological expertise.

Trusted & Proven

Our solutions are time-tested and embraced by thousands of financial institutions across the nation.

Recognized by the industry, validated by clients

Banking leaders are unanimously satisfied

IntraFi hired an independent, third-party research firm to survey bankers about their experiences with the company and its solutions. Respondents from 178 unique banks participated in the survey, closely representing the U.S. market’s distribution of banks by asset size. Among the many positive findings, all survey respondents were satisfied with their experiences with IntraFi’s services.

Reported above-average satisfaction with CDARS®, or the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service®
Reported above-average satisfaction with IntraFi Cash Service®, or ICS®
Identified these offerings as “key" to their institution's growth
Brokerage firms in the network recognized IntraFi as the industry leader “because of the size of its bank network and, most importantly, because of the quality of [the] company’s leadership and the high level of service customers receive from them.”

Brokerage firms see us as the industry leader

IntraFi engaged an independent research firm to survey a number of its bank and brokerage firm customers regarding their experience with the IntraFi SweepSM service. Nearly all customers reported that they perceive IntraFi as the largest and most advanced FDIC-insured deposit sweep provider — with the largest and most desirable brokerage firms in its network.

IntraFi Insights

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