About INtrafi

Success Rooted in Relationships

IntraFi's origins began with a simple premise: a network of banks could benefit all. That premise became our purpose and has helped drive us for more than 20 years.

IntraFi® is a trusted partner chosen by more than 3,000 financial institutions nationwide. Our ongoing innovations help our network participants build stronger customer relationships, fund more loans, and seamlessly manage liquidity.

Our SErvices

Smart, all-weather solutions

Our network of financial institutions—the largest of its kind — and patented, technology-centered service offerings — help institutions increase profitability in ways that are too difficult or too costly for any to achieve on its own.


Focus on relationships, not transactions

Our greatest success is our clients’ satisfaction, so we take a collaborative approach to helping our network institutions better serve their customers and community through our full-service approach.

Our Impact

Strong banks build strong communities

We invented reciprocal deposits, which help keep funds in local institutions, which in turn help drive local economic growth. We continue to focus on innovation to help meet the evolving demands of the banking industry and the communities it serves.

Our History

Founded on a Powerful Principle

Our founding principle, that a network of banks could benefit all, is the spark that started our journey. Since our founding,  we have used our network, technology, and expertise, to create value for our network participants and their customers — and there’s more to come.

Be part of our team

We’re a driven group of professionals with industry and technical expertise and a desire to do good for our clients, our communities, and our people. Share our philosophy? Let’s talk.

IntraFi Insights

IntraFi Insights

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