
IntraFi Insights

May 9, 2024
A year after SVB’s collapse, and several months after the FDIC enhanced supervision of banks with uninsured deposit levels above 50%, banks have reduced large deposits as a percentage of their overall deposit mix. (SVB’s were around 90% when it failed.)
April 18, 2024
Large time deposits hit an all-time high on February 28 before declining throughout March. But in April, they’ve been rising again. Have they peaked, or did last month represent a temporary dip?
April 9, 2024
Community banks are famous for their customer service. No surprise, then, that the lion’s share of IntraFi-placed reciprocal deposits—used to forge stronger, deeper relationships with local customers—are held by smaller institutions.
April 4, 2024
Loan-to-deposit ratios at year-end 2023 showed that community and midsize banks—including mission-driven banks designated as CDFIs and/or MDIs—allocated a greater share of their deposits to lending activity in support of local economic development.
March 25, 2024
On average, banks of all sizes saw deposit growth in Q4 2023; however, only the community bank sector produced loan growth rates that outpaced deposit gains.
March 14, 2024
FDIC Call Report data at year-end 2023 showed US commercial banks’ large time deposits climbing to 4.8% of total deposits, nearly erasing the entire drop seen after the 2016-2018 rising-rate period. FRED data from early 2024 shows banks’ continued increase in large time deposits to start the year.
March 8, 2024
Ahead of the expiration of the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) on March 11, participants hold $160bn+ of advances. Banks will need to seek funds from other sources to repay the loans as they mature over the next 12 months.
February 27, 2024
After six straight quarters of decline, total deposits of U.S. banks reversed course and grew in the fourth quarter of 2023, rising to $18.8T.
February 26, 2024
After peaking at more than $2.5T in December 2022, Overnight Reverse Repo Facility balances have fallen to around $500B as of February 2024. The continued decline of the facility’s usage has the industry anticipating reserves in the banking system will decline as the Fed continues QT.
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